
Monthly Archives: August 2017

15 Aug 2017

Fuel PR: Cosmetic expiration dates – Why do they matter?

We all know food goes out of date, but did you know that so do cosmetics? Nearly all consumers neglect expiration dates on their cosmetics, which is causing concern amongst skincare experts. The US National Institute of Health [1] commissioned a study which showed that 97% of people admitted to having used products which were well past their cosmetic expiration end date. The PAO symbol (period after opening) is present on all cosmetics packaging, informing consumers about how long to […]

09 Aug 2017

THE LOWDOWN ON SWEAT – Why Summer is the pits for Brits

Temperatures are up as we soak in the summer heat. So why are we wringing wet? Basking in the sun? Sort of. Rainy days? Not really, despite August’s doom-laden forecasts. Getting in a right sweat? Yes – for well over half of us. The new Lowdown on Sweat Survey[1] shows that 54.7% of Brits suffer from heavy sweating, with nearly two thirds (60.5%) of 25-34s pouring with it. It’s hot in the UK’s cities, with some sweatier than others – two […]

07 Aug 2017

Fuel PR Intern, Wesley: The most informative and enriching experience so far in my academic career

Internship at Fuel PR My internship experience at Fuel PR has been one of the most informative and enriching experiences so far in my academic career. It was my first internship and I was worried that I would suffer a stereotypical internship where I did primarily what would be described as “grunt” work, but I was assured by Leandra during my interview that this would not be the case. It was comforting to hear these words and to see the […]

01 Aug 2017

Fuel PR Client, Palmer’s, featured in The Beauty Oscars Box from YOU Magazine

In celebration of CEW’s 25th anniversary in the UK this year, YOU Magazine unveiled The Beauty Oscars Box featuring Palmer’s Coconut Oil Body Lotion – the 2016 CEW Beauty Awards finalist. For more information please contact Gillian Waddell at Fuel PR.