
Dairy Free Yogurt – a Cultured Choice?

Fuel PR, leading boutique communications agency, examines trends, explores issues and discovers who’s creating solutions. Here’s our view on why Dairy Free is the rising star in the UK Yogurt Category…

Dairy Free Yogurt – a Cultured Choice?

It’s a safe bet when you last flicked through a health magazine or read a wellness blog, it suggested you think about going dairy-free. If you have a clinically diagnosed intolerance or simply believe you feel better consuming less milk, there’s no denying giving up dairy is now a popular choice among the health-conscious. But don’t people preach about the benefits of yogurt too? It’s a ‘superfood’ according to some, providing an excellent source of macro and micronutrients as well as probiotic cultures, themselves at the forefront of scientific research. So, if dairy is out and bacteria are in, which yogurts should we choose to nourish our bodies best?

A popular option is KoKo, which prides itself on fresh taste and added vitamin and mineral content. It justifies this, containing 20% of our recommended daily intake (RNI) of calcium per 100g and 15% RNI of vitamin D2 and B12. It also offers a relatively low-calorie content compared with other dairy free yogurts available, but its use of various modified ingredients and thickening agents may be a little off-putting to diehard purists.

A more natural option for the sassy young yogurt lover comes from Rebel Kitchen. Their selection of coconut-based yogurts has a significantly simple ingredients list, using only the flesh and liquid components of a coconut and combining them with live vegan cultures. The nutritional content reveals that these yogurts are great for the sugar-free fans out there – only 0.1g per 100g, which is notably less than other competitors.

Then there’s Nush, a rather chic range of almond and cashew-based products. Containing 95% and 97% of ‘nut milk’ content, there’s only a small amount of organic thickener, creating rich and creamy delights. Nutritionally, the cashew-based yogurts are very low in calories compared to other dairy free brands, whilst the almond milk option contains significantly more protein than most.

Finally, there’s the ultra-stylish CoYo. Containing 99% coconut milk, plus minimal tapioca starch thickening, its high content of natural coconut impacts its nutritional profile. CoYo has 21g fat per 100g, tipping into DoH’s ‘high fat’ classification (guidelines state this applies to anything over 20g per 100g). Although you might be hearing alarm bells, it’s true to say that low fat is old news and CoYo can probably justify its place in a balanced, dairy-free diet.

Live probiotic cultures are undoubtedly the main attraction for modern-day yogurt enthusiasts, but it’s important to recognise that some options are better for you than others. While the majority of non-dairy yogurts claim to contain ‘live (vegan) cultures’, they’re not necessarily equal in terms of beneficial bacteria – certain brands will offer a higher quantity and variety of strains. Despite the fact that only two cultures are required to be present in yogurt by law (L. bulgaricus and S. thermophilus), a wide and varied consumption is encouraged whilst research into specific dosage and benefits continues.

To discuss further please contact Gillian Waddell E: Gillian@fuelrefuel.com or Imogen Wolsey E: ImogenW@fuelrefuel.com T: 02074988211.

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