Did you ever count how many hours per day you devote to online activity? Research found that on average we spend between 2 – 6 hours using social media sites[1][2]. Therefore, it should be no surprise that social networking platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest and Instagram are constantly growing in active users. Sites like these have become the most cost-effective advertising tool to drive sales for brands, businesses and individuals.
Today, being noticeable on social media is a must-have on any marketing checklist, especially for businesses which advertise beauty or fashion products. The number one place-to-be popular is Instagram.[3] The platform is blowing up and according to the studies, a third of the world’s Internet population is expected to be on the photo-sharing site by 2018. Moreover, the beauty and fashion industries engagement and interactions on Instagram are higher compared to any other platform with an average 77 percent of engagement, while frequency of posting fluctuates between 8 to 10 posts a week.
What is the biggest benefit of Instagram? It is an application which is easy to use, quick, eye-catching and there is just one rule – it is all about the marvellous visuals. Just a perfect blend for successful beauty and fashion marketing.
For further information please contact Sandra Kaminska (Sandra@fuelrefuel.com) or Leandra Cardozo (Leandra@fuelrefuel.com) at Fuel PR.
[1] http://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/gadgets-and-tech/news/britons-spend-62m-hours-a-day-on-social-media-thats-an-average-one-hour-for-every-adult-and-child-8567437.html
[2] http://edition.cnn.com/2015/11/03/health/teens-tweens-media-screen-use-report/
[3] http://recode.net/2015/01/09/instagram-is-the-fastest-growing-major-social-network/