
Monthly Archives: July 2016

29 Jul 2016

Protect your lips with Bare Republic | Fuel PR

Here we are, right in the middle of holiday season, enjoying the warm weather and chilled drinks on the patio. And although we really do appreciate the fact that our British summer has decided to finally arrive, we must confess that we weren’t quite prepared for the level of heat. This got us thinking even more about SPF sunscreen, an absolute must as we all know. It is more important than ever to ensure we protect our skin from harmful […]

26 Jul 2016

How fit is ‘fit’? | Fuel PR

Fitness is changing, like everything else; it’s now not all about who can run, swim or cycle the furthest or who has the best endurance. The focus nowadays seems to about who can lift the most or who has the biggest arms but that begs the question… how fit are you? Yes, some people may be the most muscular or incredibly defined but it certainly doesn’t automatically make you ‘fit’. Trouble is, there’s no definitive method for determining fitness across […]

21 Jul 2016

Tough Hands appoints Fuel PR | Fuel PR

Gillian Waddell, Managing Director of Fuel PR, announces appointment as UK PR agency for Australian brand Tough Hands.

19 Jul 2016

Ageing in the Digital Age | Fuel PR

Fuel PR talks about ageing in the digital age.

15 Jul 2016

Is Fashion Week still relevant? | Fuel PR

Sophie Wheeler from Fuel PR talks about relevance of Fashion Weeks in digital world.

11 Jul 2016

Neil Carter for Fuel PR: Red Wine, Sausages and the new Dividend Allowance

Neil Carter’s guest post for Fuel PR. Neil talks about the Personal Savings Allowance and the Dividend Allowance.

07 Jul 2016

Upcoming Changes in the Social Media Sphere for Business | Fuel PR

Sandra Kaminska, Social Media Executive at Fuel PR, talks about upcoming changes in the social media sphere for business.

05 Jul 2016

Men vs. Women- How Do We Purchase Our Skincare Products? | Fuel PR

Fuel PR talks about the difference in men and women purchasing their skincare products.