Angel EQT, a unique new online community funding platform, has announced its inaugural partnership investment venture with Britannia’s Gold Ltd, which is on an important quest to recover an estimated £4.5bn of Britain’s gold and precious metals, lost at sea during World Wars I and II. Britannia’s Gold will work with Angel EQT investors to finance the bespoke survey and salvage operations required to recover identified shipwreck cargoes and return them to the UK, for the combined benefit of […]
Our learning in tea plants is taking it’s next steps with Professor Goa’s studies, published this month, from the South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, with Camellia sinensis variety assamica cultivar Yunkang 10. Tea plants have two varieties the first originally found in China around the Ichow hills in Sichuan (Camellia sinensis variety sinensis), found around BC 2736, and the second discovered in India around the hills of Sivagasar, Assam (Camellia sinensis variety assamica) in 1823. Although they originally grew in […]